Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro arrived Thursday in Brazil after 89 days in the United States on a commercial flight that landed at Brasilia International Airport at around 6:30 a.m. local time.
Dozens of people have gathered at the terminal to wait for him, although the Military Police estimate that more agents have been deployed. He did not meet with his followers at the airport facilities, but was escorted through a restricted area to a vehicle that will take him to the headquarters of the Liberal Party (PL), to meet with congressmen and leaders of the party.
The three months that Bolsonaro has spent away from Brazil have given for much: first he had to be hospitalized for some already recurrent abdominal problems from that stabbing he suffered in 2018, shortly after his followers stormed the institutions on January 8 and finally the Saudi jewelry scandal.
His stay in the United States has also served to weave relations with the international ultra-right and he was seen early March participating in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), receiving recognition among others from former US President Donald Trump.
The closed-door event at the PL headquarters is the only one scheduled for this Thursday. The intention is for him to rest and next week assume the position of honorary president of the party, traveling around the country and weaving alliances with a view to the 2024 municipal elections, in which the PL hopes to recover lost ground in order to strengthen itself for the 2026 presidential elections.
However, it is still unknown whether Bolsonaro will be able to be a candidate in 2026 due to the possibility that he may be disqualified while the investigations against him for the case of the attacks on the Esplanade of the Ministries and now for the jewelry he received from the Saudi kingdom continue.
While waiting to be included as part of these two investigations, Bolsonaro is already the target of about fifteen complaints in the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) for questioning the reliability of the voting system and his attacks on the Supreme Court judges, some of whom are also part of the TSE.