The Moscow Lefortovo district court on Tuesday ordered the arrest of Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereschuk and Foreign Ministry ‘number two’ Emine Dzhaparova, and issued search and arrest warrants for them.
«By order of the court, the precautionary measure of arrest for a period of two months of Emine Dzhaparova and Irina Vereschuk was chosen,» a court spokesman told Russian news agencies.
Thus, the Russian Justice has opened the deadline for them to be arrested on Russian territory or extradited from Ukraine for allegedly violating Russian territorial integrity. In this regard, it has attributed to both of them the status of defendants.
The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) charges them with «expropriation of a part of the territory of the Russian Federation and other activities aimed at violating Russia’s territorial integrity». The penalties for this type of crime range from six to ten years’ imprisonment.