Lisbon City Council to award Cristiano Ronaldo the City’s Medal of Honor
The Lisbon City Council announced Thursday that it will award the Medal of Honor of the City to Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, current striker of Al-Nassr and a legend of his national team, Sporting Lisbon, Manchester United, Juventus and especially Real Madrid.

«A great Lisbonite, in the sense of the passion he has for the city.»
Carlos Moedas, Mayor of Lisbon, proposed this recognition and defined Cristiano as «a great Lisboner, in the sense of the passion he has for the city». «In the life of the Municipality it is important to recognize those who for their courage, their energy, their capacity, contributed to our city, to the city that we are», said Moedas.

Closely linked to the history of Lisbon
The mayor defended that «the record of Cristiano Ronaldo, considered several times the best player in the world, is closely linked to the history of Lisbon». In addition, ‘CR7’ holds the world record for goals at national team level and is also the player who has played the most games in the history of men’s international soccer.

A tribute to a boy who became a man in Lisbon
«This is a tribute to a boy who became a man in Lisbon and who, in addition to his identity of the place where he was born, became a great Lisboeta, in the sense of the passion he has for the city. Cristiano has always defended, promoted and projected the name of Lisbon all over the world. He is a great Lisboner and this has never been recognized», continued the mayor.

Young people are excited
Moedas also underlined «the extraordinary enthusiasm that Cristiano Ronaldo brings to so many young people, helping them to dream». «For them to dream that, if they are the best, they will succeed and that on their merit they will be able to get wherever they want,» concluded the mayor of Lisbon.