Urbi et Orbi’ Blessing
The Pope has asked the international community for «efforts» to put an end «to all the conflicts that bloody the world» while urging «to overcome conflicts and divisions» after the ‘Urbi et Orbi’ blessing, to the city and the world, which the pontiff imparts twice a year at the end of Holy Week and at Christmas.

Overcoming conflicts and divisions
«Open the hearts of the entire international community to strive to bring an end to this war and to all the conflicts that are bloodying the world. Let us hasten to overcome conflicts and divisions, and to open our hearts to those who need it most. Let us hasten to walk the paths of peace and fraternity,» Francis said from the balcony of the central loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica in front of some 100,000 faithful.

Assistance for Ukraine
The Pope took advantage – as usual – of the Apostolic Blessing to list the open conflicts in the world, beginning with the war in Ukraine: «Help the beloved Ukrainian people on the road to peace and instill the Easter light on the Russian people. Comfort the wounded and those who have lost their loved ones because of the war, and grant that the prisoners may return safely to their families».

War situation in Syria
He recalled the war situation in Syria «which is still awaiting peace» and urged to support «those who have been affected by the violent earthquake in Turkey» and in this country, as well as those who «have lost family and friends, and were left homeless».

Dialogue in the Holy Land
The pontiff expressed his concern for the situation in the Holy Land «because of the attacks of recent days, which threaten the desired climate of trust and mutual respect» and called on the parties to resume «dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians, so that peace may reign in the Holy City and in the entire region».

Lebanon and Tunisia
He also remembered Lebanon, which is still in «search of stability and unity, so that it may overcome divisions and all citizens may work together for the common good of the country». «Do not forget the dear people of Tunisia, in particular the young people and those who suffer because of social and economic problems, so that they do not lose hope and collaborate in building a future of peace and fraternity,» he has claimed.

Suffering in Haiti
The Pope referred to Haiti «which has been suffering for several years from a serious socio-political and humanitarian crisis, and supports the efforts of political actors and the international community in the search for a definitive solution to the many problems afflicting this troubled population».

Reconciliation in Ethiopia and South Sudan
He also urged the consolidation of «the peace and reconciliation processes underway in Ethiopia and South Sudan» and called for an end to «the violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo».

Nicaragua and Eritrea
On the other hand, he also remembered the situation of Christians in Nicaragua, where the government has forbidden the Catholic Church to celebrate the Stations of the Cross processions during Holy Week: «Lord, sustain the Christian communities that today celebrate Easter in particular circumstances, as in Nicaragua and Eritrea, and remember all those who are prevented from freely and publicly professing their faith».

Comfort for the victims of terrorism
Likewise, he asked for consolation for «the victims of international terrorism, especially in Burkina Faso, Mali, Mozambique and Nigeria» and called on Myanmar to follow «paths of peace» and to enlighten «the hearts of those responsible so that the martyred Rohinyá may find justice».

For the most vulnerable
«Comfort refugees, deportees, political prisoners and migrants, especially the most vulnerable, as well as all those who suffer from hunger, poverty and the harmful effects of drug trafficking, human trafficking and all forms of slavery,» he said.

Dignity for men and women
Finally, he asked the leaders of nations that «no man or woman should be discriminated against or have their dignity trampled upon; so that in full respect for human rights and democracy these social wounds may be healed, that the common good of citizens may always and only be sought, that security and the necessary conditions for dialogue and peaceful coexistence may be guaranteed.»

Rite of sprinkling with holy water
This Easter Sunday, the Pope presided at the Mass commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord. The Eucharist began as usual with the traditional rite of the «Resurrexit» in which two deacons opened an ancient icon representing Christ and the Holy Father prayed before it. Pope Francis then performed the rite of sprinkling the faithful with holy water.

Greetings to the faithful
The readings were followed by the singing of the Easter Sequence and the proclamation of the Gospel, which was sung first in Latin and then in Greek. Pope Francis did not deliver a homily and remained silent in prayer as he then addressed his Easter message. Before the apostolic blessing of the Urbi et Orbi, the pontiff went around St. Peter’s Square in the popemobile to greet the faithful gathered there.