34 felonies
We have already learned of the indictment against Donald Trump; the former president of the United States has 34 felony charges against him.

If found guilty of all, he would spend more than 100 years in prison.
If Trump were found guilty of each of the charges, he would have to spend more than 100 years behind bars.

The full indictment has been released
It was the Manhattan district attorney who made public the allegations against the former president, which could land him in state prison for decades if convicted.

The document is in the public domain
Information on the allegations is contained in the document setting forth the facts.

Criminal conduct linked to the 2016 elections.
Donald J. Trump allegedly repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal criminal conduct and hide damaging information from the public during the 2016 presidential election.

Withholding information damaging to Trump
As can be read in the document, during and to promote his candidacy for the presidency, Donald Trump and others agreed to identify and remove negative stories about him.

There are already parties confirming the facts
Two parties to the agreement have already admitted to having committed illegal conduct in connection with this scheme.

Criminal concealment
The forgery charges in Trump’s case are considered felonies, an elevation from the usual misdemeanors for these types of offenses. However, the charges are all Class E felonies, the lowest category of felonies under New York law, which carry a maximum prison sentence of four years per count. All of which means that Trump could face up to 136 years in prison if convicted on all of the criminal concealment charges.

Trump would not spend so much time behind bars
Realistically, if Trump, 76, would receive a much shorter sentence after appeals are exhausted.

The following are some of the payments made
While the document is sparse on details, it does elaborate on the payment made to Stormy Daniels, former Playmate model Karen McDougal, and former Trump Tower doorman Dino Sajudin to silence what they saw, experienced or knew about Trump just before the 2016 election.

Now it is time to wait
Trump pleaded not guilty to all charges of forgery before leaving the courtroom immediately to return to his residence. The former president’s next court appearance is set for Dec. 4. With arguments on motions to follow from the defense, Trump’s lawyers have also said they plan to file a motion to dismiss shortly.