Respiratory infection
The Vatican Press Office has confirmed that the Pope — who was admitted yesterday to Rome’s Gemelli hospital — is suffering from a respiratory infection, but has ruled out that it is caused by COVID-19.

Excluding COVID-19 infection
In a press release, the Vatican confirmed that the medical checks Francis has undergone have revealed «a respiratory infection (excluding COVID-19 infection) that will require a few days of appropriate hospital medical treatment.»

Respiratory difficulties
In addition, it has been reported that the Pontiff had «complained» in the last hours «of some respiratory difficulties» for which he was transferred to the Policlinico A. Gemelli to undergo some medical controls.

All their commitments have been cancelled
Vatican sources have confirmed that all the appointments on his agenda have been cancelled. In a first communiqué, in which the Vatican informed of the Pope’s admission to the hospital, it had been specified that these were «previously programmed controls», ruling out, therefore, an unforeseen malaise.

He began to feel a twinge in his chest.
As reported by the newspaper ‘La Nacion’, upon returning to the residence of Santa Marta, after presiding as he does every Wednesday the Wednesday general audience in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope began to feel some twinges in his chest. For this reason, his personal health assistant, Massimiliano Strappetti, advised him to go immediately for check-ups at Gemelli hospital, where he arrived by ambulance.

Heart problems
For its part, the Italian newspaper ‘Il Corriere della Sera’ has quoted sources at the Gemelli hospital who reported that the Pope «suffered cardiac problems at the end of the morning and for safety reasons was taken for checks in the cardiology department.»

The situation is not worrisome
However, the same sources said that the situation «was not worrying». «The chest CT scan would have come out well and this element is evaluated with general relief by the Pope’s entourage, starting from Professor Andrea Arcangeli, director of Health and Hygiene of the Vatican Govenatorato, who is at the Pontiff’s side,» these sources told the Italian newspaper.