The Vice-President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández, has announced that she will request the recusal of Judge María Eugenia Capuchetti, who is in charge of the judicial investigation phase following the attempted assassination of the Kichnerist leader on September 1.
Fernandez has published on her social networks a video in which she justifies this measure. «As a result of the facts that you are about to see and hear, I have instructed my lawyers to recuse Judge María Eugenia Capuchetti,» explained the Argentine vice-president.
In the aforementioned recording, a voice asks «who was behind the assassination attempt» and alludes to the statement of a witness who links the case to the national deputy of Juntos por el Cambio (JxC), Gerardo Milman, whom the judge refused to summon to testify.
«In spite of all this and being the most serious act of political violence since the return of democracy, when the first evidence appeared that involved politics in the attack, Judge Capuchetti paralyzed and boycotted the investigation», he adds. For Fernandez, it is «evident» that «the judicial party» does not want her as a «victim», but «imprisoned or dead».
The main suspect in this case, Fernando Sabag Montiel, was arrested shortly after he pulled the trigger of a pistol that he had brought close to the vice-president’s face and which did not go off, at a moment when Fernández was approaching to greet a group of supporters gathered outside her house in Buenos Aires.